Nerd Shirt of The Week — Revenge by Michael Epstein

Via OtherTees

Via OtherTees

Who knew Dexter was a Game of Thrones fan?

I know a lot of people started hating Dexter by the end, but at least this shirt is still clever.

You can purchase Revenge for $11  on until 4PM Eastern on May 5th, 2014. The shirt may be available from another retailer at a later date for a different price.

The 6 Best Things You Might Have Missed in 2013 by Michael Epstein

There's an inherent problem with the standard "Best of" year-in-review list: Most of the stuff they highlight are things you already know about. Yes, it might be nice to get a definitive ruling from critics that, yes, Breaking Bad is in fact better than Game of Thrones, but it's not going to do anything for you. You don't need any more people telling you to listen to Yeezus (If you won't listen to Lou Reed, you're probably beyond reason.) You already know about this year's Oscar contenders.

So here are few amazing things that came out of 2013. They are not the most profound, nor are they incredibly obscure. In fact, these shows/movies/games are best categorized as overlooked. Maybe they popped up on your pop culture radar. Maybe you even heard they were good, but you never got around to checking them out. You should make sure you should get back to these before they get lost with the rest of last year's news.

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