You probably haven't read top 10 most-cited academic papers, but they're out there... Quoted more than half a million times.
When Should You Take Bathroom Breaks During Interstellar (Vulture)
The future of entertainment writing is here! There is so much media out there for us consume: In order for us to take it all in, we're going to need help with time management and optimization.
I've been told there is already an app designed to help with this, but everyone knows that redundancy isn't really a concern anymore.
Expect to see one of these for every long* movie in 2015.
*(Note: Compared to YouTube, all feature-length films are to be considered long.)
Melville Never Wrote Me a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Book (Electric Literature)
High-Brow understanding of "low" culture is kind of my thing so, by the transitive property, an article about how authors ingest and use schlock to make good stuff is also my thing.
10 Tips for Men Starting Out in Stand-Up (A.V. Club)
Cameron Esposito has some tips for all the aspiring male stand-up comics comic up in what could be described as a "moment" for women in comedy.
Sharing History With Your Son... When Your History is Halo (Polygon)
An essay or story about sharing video games with one's children isn't exactly novel, but Polygon's Ben Kuchera's ruminations on sharing Halo with his pre-teen son are so nerdy and heartfelt that you can't help but smile.