Vladamir Putin, a portrait by George W. Bush.
Image Credit: NBC via Gawker
My Father Graduated From Hamburger University (Eater)
K. Annabelle Smith explores the curious history of "Hamburger University," McDonald's legacy management training program, while drawing on anecdotes from her father, who attended "HU" almost 40 years ago.
Outfoxed: How Protesters Forced Mozilla's CEO to Resign in 11 Days (The Verge)
When word that newly-named Mozilla CEO Brenden Eich had donated money to support Proposition 8 in 2008 went viral, it stirred up hornet's nest in tech circles in and outside of company. The public reaction, which culminated with OKCupid blocking Firefox users and encouraging them to switch browsers, forced Eich to resign after less than two weeks.
How The Most Expensive Game Jam Crashed and Burned in One Day (Indie Statik)
The game jam — a multi-day "event" where game developers get together and create working games in just a few days — seems like a great setting for a reality show... Assuming the producer's with aggressive branding experts and offensive artificial narratives don't push its contestants to walk away. Despite an occasionally off-putting bias against "the man," Indie Statik's account you see inside the train just before it goes off the rails.
Who Will Replace David Letterman on The Late Show? (Splitsider)
Obviously there's been a lot of talk about Letterman's retirement plans, including speculation as to who might replace him. This list came closest to a definitive rumor round-up based on conspiracy theories I've seen that offer an explanation beyond "we think he'd be a good fit," and a couple of actual reports.
The popular guesses not on this list include Tina Fey, Louis C.K. and extreme underdog Amy Schumer. Interestingly, CBS reportedly approached John Oliver to replace Late Late Show host Craig Ferguson, which he declined in favor of a new weekly "news-style" show on HBO.